
TECH5 UK We are TECH5 the UK leasing and asset finance company working specifically in the farming, turf care and agricultural sector. We have a wide variety of clients from: Golf clubs Farmers Landscape gardeners Also, Schools Sports Clubs Tech5, Teck5 or TECH5?

Farm Equipment Financing Winter is approaching fast and from October through to December farmers have several tasks (as it is all year round, no doubt). TECH5 have worked alongside farmers for many years and understand how the agricultural industry works. It is the time of the year where farmers are harvesting sugar beet and potatoes. […]

TECH5 – Our Brand Since TECH5 started business in 2003, the company has built its brand by working mainly with the Toro turf care manufacturer. After Colin Theedom retired from TECH5 and prior to the brand being reignited, Hitachi Credit has moved on to run this highly successful leasing program.