We are TECH5 the UK leasing and asset finance company working specifically in the farming, turf care and agricultural sector. We have a wide variety of clients from:
- Schools
- Sports Clubs
Tech5, Teck5 or TECH5?
When companies search for us online, they often put in Tech5 or Teck5 into Google by accident. We are TECH5 (hopefully you manage to find us).
Who owns TECH5?
In the UK, the founder of WestWon Limited owns TECH5 Limited. TECH5 Limited is now a dormant company and the business is now a division of WestWon Limited.
What did TECH5 originally stand for?
There were originally four partners in the business. Colin – being the C – ended up owning the company before we acquired them. The 5 represents the five separate leasing products they sold.
Who else uses the name TECH5?
It seems a popular phrase to use.
There is a Tech 5 Group in South Africa. They are a technology company and nothing to do with us over here in the UK.
There is another Tech 5 which is an annual competition for companies in six European countries that record the fastest growth. It is organised by TNW and Adyen and again nothing to do with us.
You then have the Alpinestars Motorcross boots, you guessed it, called Tech 5!! We finance tractors, diggers and lawn movers for golf courses and are more than happy to finance a much wider range of assets. However, manufacturing and selling boots is not part of what we do!
Last but not least, there is even a Tech 5 ink pen. We use them every day – but do not have anything to do with this company.
We are proud of our name and happy to be part of the worldwide use of the TECH5 brand name. We do not compete with any of these companies and wish them much success with their business.
If you are interested in golf or farm equipment leasing give us a call on 01494 611 467 or email [email protected]